Candidly speaking (and shooting)
025 Grandfather ties grandson's knot for the wedding

Candidly speaking (and shooting)

I love those candid moments when no one cares I'm there: joy from a surprise in the vows, tender attention while the wedding party gets ready, dance floor moves, a…

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I Did It For Love

Being a wedding photographer is a labor of love, literally and figuratively. That's doubly true when I'm photographing my own family.  My cousin Mike and his beautiful and creative bride…

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Married at City Hall

Last week, I wrote about Irina and Dima's engagement portrait session in Brooklyn.  The next day it was off to Manhattan to get married at City Hall (technically, The Office…

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Engaged in Brooklyn

They fell in love there and made it home, so Irina and Dima wanted to use Brooklyn as the backdrop for their engagement shoot. Boy, did we ever! Its people…

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It’s Never Too Late

Today, I'm launching a new blog to tell the stories of some of the incredible weddings, engagements, mitzvahs and other special events that I photograph. To kick it off, I…

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